Security protocols for the Cloud-oriented Internet of Things (SeCIoT) is an international research project funded by the Università Italo-Francese (UIF) / Université Franco-Italienne (UFI) under the Galileo Programme 2016-2017.
Involved partners:
- University of Parma (teams DSG, IoTLab, NetSecLab), Italy – Principal Investigator: Michele Amoretti
- LIG Lab (team Drakkar), France – Principal Investigator: Andrzej Duda
- Energy-efficient mechanisms for data security
- Energy-efficient schemes for secure data communication
- Energy-efficient algorithms for secure cloud services
- Integration and implementation of the proposed protocols on experimental platforms
- O. Alphand et al., IoTChain: a Blockchain Security Architecture for the Internet of Things, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, Spain, April 2018